Training Guidelines

There are so many different ways training can happen and if you have already talked to us then you know we specialize in customizing training for your needs. We do find some guidelines are important when customizing each session so that your users get the most out of their experience.

Training Lengths

The length of a session can lead to how the training is conducted as well as the number of attendees allowed in each session.

We like to stay at a minimum of 90 mins per session so we can engage with the attendees and answer questions while still being able to cover the topic.

If you want your users to have the hands-on experience our recommendation is each session is a minimum of 4 hours. This timeframe or more allows the trainer to provide a combination of lecture and lab time. The topic can make a difference on length as well, for example we might be able to cover Forms in 4 hours, SharePoint would require a full day.

Training Attendees

As mentioned above the length of a session can determine the number of attendees allowed in each session.

For sessions that are not hands-on but attendees are able to engage with the trainer for questions, 25 is our maximum. Unless otherwise requested our trainers do not have any assistance during the training session, no moderator or co-trainer to help facilitate questions from larger group. If you need to accommodate large audiences we may ask you to provide us with a contact where attendees can ask questions after the fact.

When we are conducting a hands-on session no matter the length, we want these session to be as collaborative as possible so 10 is our maximum.

Training Location

There are many blogs and opinions on the pros and cons of virtual versus in-person. We find that when you are trying to decide your users can be a big factor, some don't learn as much virtually as they do in-person and visa versa. In our experience most do better in-person if for no other reason there are less distractions. But there is a cost difference because in-person usually does mean the cost for the trainer to travel to your location.

Training Includes

Our training sessions include a few things and other items can be purchased. 

Additional cost, if requested